Straight Wall Contraction Problem


In a straight wall contraction, one set of waves is produced. By choosing the correct contraction length, these waves will strike the opposite wall at the end of the contraction and cancel with the waves being generated. Thus, this design problem had only one design variable, and the method of steepest descent was used to update the design variable based on the design space derivative.

Curved Wall Contraction Problem

When there is not enough length of channel to use the optimal channel length straight wall contraction, a curved wall contraction can be used to produce level downstream flow. In a curved wall contraction, multiple waves with various strengths are generated. They interact in a highly nonlinear fashion, which may be too difficult to calculate analytically. By using a proper combination of these waves, nice, level flow can be produced. The same channel characteristics are used in this problem as in the one shown above.

Circular Channel Bend Problem

In a channel bend, the channel bend is ramped going across the channel in order to generate level flow throughout the channel. This ramping is quite similar to the sloping of a road around a sharp bend. In a sense, the centripetal force of the flow that wants to carry the flow in a straight line is acted upon by a gravity force in the transverse bed slope. By balancing the two forces, the flow can move around the bend evenly.

One difficulty of this design problem is the approach ramp and the exit ramp design. By modifying the transverse slope for a region above and below the bend as well as through the bend, level flow can be produced throughout the bend. In the images shown below, the bed elevations are plotted for the constant bed slope problem, for a 12-design variable problem and for a 20-design variable problem. The resulting flows through these channels are then presented. We can clearly see that the flows for the optimized designs are much more level than for the constant bed slope problem. Also, the flow for the 20-design variable problem hase fewer wiggles than the 12-design variable flow.

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