Psychoactive Plants

I. Introduction

What are psychoactive plants?

What plant families produce most known psychoactive plants?

II. Mechanisms of Action

-impact both the CNS (brain/spinal column) and the peripheral nervous system

-enter body through: oral ingestion, injection, absorption through membranes

-psychoactive plants have chemicals that inhibit (antagonists) or mimic (agonists) the behavior of neurotransmitters.


Plant chemicals can:  affect sensory perception, change sleep patterns, cause illusions, control pleasure centers, act as pain-killers; give a sense of well-being, etc.

III. Examples of Psychoactive Plants

A. Opium Poppy

-Papaver somniferum (Papaveraceae)

-Plant Properties

annual herb



-grown throughout the world Afghanistan poppy seeds, oil, don't overdue laudanum

-What are the opium alkaloids? 20+

-major components: morphine, codeine

morphine structure

mechanism of action: agonist (mimics action) of endorphins (pain killers)

highly addictive

Soldiers Disease

-still used to treat severe pain

1898- Felix Hoffman: invented 'non-addictive' form of morphine

diacetyl morphine or heroin marketing

Gee's Linctus

B. Marijuana

-Cannabis sativa (Cannabinaceae)

-C. indica

-Plant Properties

dioecious annual

flowers in axils staminate (male) pistillate (female)

-glandular trichomes

-History of Use



bhang, ganja, charas

Hashish Hassan ibn-al-Sabbah

1937 Federal Marijuana Tax Act


-What are the active compounds in the resin?


THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)

What influences THC content?

-Risks of marijuana use

-Medical Marijuana Ole Miss

C. Cocaine

-Erythroxylum coca (Erythroxylaceae)

-Plant Properties

cocaine (14+ alkaloids)

-Brief History of Use



modern use

1850's: isolation of cocaine

1884 Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis

1886 John Pemberton Coca cola

Sherlock Holmes (7% solution)

1914 Harrison Act

-illegal trade

cocaine base, cocaine hydrochloride, free base, crack

-Mechanism of Action

block breakdown of NT, continue to stimulate CNS

D. Tobacco

-Nicotiana sp. (65+) New World and Australia

Nicotiana tabacum

-Plant Properties

herbaceous annuals rustica

-History of Use

-native Americans

1492 Columbus



-Cultivation Practises drying

-Health Risks

1964 Surgeon General Report

use What is in tobacco smoke?


E. Other Psychoactive Plants

1. Peyote (Lophora williamsii)

2. Kava (Piper methysticum)

3. Ololiuqui (Ipomoea tricolori)

4. Mescal Bean (Sophora secundiflora)