Plant Cell Walls

I. Introduction

II. The Cell Wall and Cell Division in Plants; Plasmodesmata

1. The "wooden box"

2. The formation of the wall: phragmoplast

3. middle lamella

4. plasmodesmata.

5. cellulose microfibrils form the primary cell wall

III. Cell Wall Structure

1. The cell wall has one of the more complicated structures found in cells.

2. The study of wall structure using a model system: sycamore cell suspensions

-digest walls with enzymes to make protoplasts 

-walls contain cellulosic and non-cellulosic components.

-Cellulosic Components

-Non-cellulosic Components

-Some simple connections

IV. Cell Wall Structure and Growth

  1. plant cells will grow if placed in an acid buffer (pH 5);
  2. the plant hormone auxin (IAA) will promote growth;
  3. auxin promotes acidification and "loosening" of the cell wall;
  4. auxin stimulates mRNA & protein synthesis by acting directly on nuclear DNA;

What does this all mean?