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Eucalypt forest in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

Wood, Cork and Bamboo

I. Introduction

-What is wood?

-What is wood used for?

-State of forest resources

-forest management

II. What is wood?

A. Anatomy

1. vascular cambium

-secondary growth

-sapwood and heartwood

2. ray parenchyma

3. bark (secondary phloem; cork cambium; splitting)

4. hardwood and softwood

-gymnosperms (conifers)

-angiosperms 2



-trachieds and vessel elements compared

-distribution of white spruce

5. Springwood and summerwood

III. Wood Products

1. Firewood


-heat value of wood

2. Charcoal


3. Veneers


PT boat


-particle board; chipboard house

4. Paper

a. Original paper

-papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) stem

-rice paper (Tetrapanax papyrifera) pith

-Mulberry paper (Broussonetia papyrifera) bark


b. "Real" paper

-Chinese paper

-European rag paper mummy

why make paper out of rags?

-1851: chemical separation of fibers

conifer - 2 to 4 mm; angiosperm - 0.5 to 1.5 mm fibers

c. How is paper made? how made

-mechanical pulping (newsprint)

-chemical pulping (sulfite "acid" paper; sulfate "basic" paper)

d. Paper recycling

5. Rayon and Cellophane

-cellulose xanthate

-vicose --> cellulose, rayon

-Lyocell (Tencel)

6. Cork

-Quercus suber

7. Bamboo

Bamboo along the roadside in Jamaica

-Different species from Grass family (Poaceae) cross section

-How fast do they grow?

IV. Wood Supplies in the Future

A. Growing Demand

B. Fate of Forests Worldwide

data from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) ( 1990-2000 Data

Africa -0.78
Asia -0.07
Oceania -0.18
Europe 0.08
North & Central America -0.10
South America -0.41
Total World -0.22 (9,391,000 hectares/y)
USA 0.2 (388,000 hectares/y)

C. Forestry Management

1. Clear-cutting NZ  Even-aged cutting

2. Large tree (uneven-aged) cutting

3. Tree Farms and Agroforestry

-Pinus radiata (Monterey pine)

-Eucalyptus sp. plantation

-Leucaena data

-Hibiscus cannabinus (Kenaf) facts Kenaf Society