Start Here!
When you come to lab, Don't forget:
Complete the Lab Safety Agreement
The Basics of Sig Figs and Measurements
How to prepare for the Pre-Lab Quiz:
- Read the Background Information. Focus on what you are measuring, and how you will make the measurement. Be aware of safety
concerns specific to the current experiment.
- If the Background references a portion of your text, read that, too.
- I don't expect you
to be able to do major calculations dealing with data analysis, so don't memorize the equations from the lab.
- I do expect that you
can handle basic calculations, like dealing with molarity, density, converting grams to moles, or telling me how to make
a solution of a given concentration. So bring a calculator.
- Lastly, look over the Pre-Lab questions that you have in your lab
packet, these are really great to help you assess your preparedness.
Don't be Late! The Quiz is timed, and time starts at the start of lab.
Click here for pointers and other information about labs:
Sold in the Laney Annex before lab the first two weeks of lab, ONLY