WRTG 1320

Office Information

                                        Irby Hall 106                          Office phone: 450-3633

                                       State Hall 125                        Office phone: 513-3651

               Hours:  Monday, Wednesday     2:00-4:00      (Irby)

                Tuesday, Thursday        2:30-4:00      (Irby)

                                                    Friday                             2:00-3:00       (Irby)


Texts:   Behrens, Laurence and Leonard J. Rosen, eds.  Writing and Reading Across the

          Curriculum.  7th ed.  New York: Longman, 2000.

Lunsford, Andrea and Robert Connors.  Easy Writer: A Pocket Guide.  New

          York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.


General Education

This course is part of the general education curriculum, which is designed to provide students with life skills applicable to any major field of study as well as to your personal enrichment.


Course Objectives

Students will:

1.       increase their awareness of the relationship among the writer, subject and audience

2.       further develop drafting, revising and editing skills

3.       use strategies for invention and arrangement

4.       produce academic prose characterized by well-supported claims, coherence, intellectual force, and grammatical and stylistic control

5.       develop interpretive strategies for diverse texts

6.       become aware of rhetorical strategies and composing conventions, particularly concerning argument

7.       use thinking skills including analysis, synthesis and evaluation

8.       write using research methods


State Residential Goals

1.       to promote a greater intellectual interaction between students and faculty

2.       to promote integration of ideas in the disciplines

3.       to provide an effective learning community with a supportive environment

to cultivate your humanity through a liberal education, focusing on your life’s work and your