Chem 1450 Skills

We want you to not just succeed but to excel in College Chemistry.  Because of this we offer the following advice.

College Chemistry I (Chem 1450) carries the prerequisite of a math ACT score of at least 21 or a corequisite of college algebra.  It is also strongly recommended that you have completed HS chemistry or Chem 1301 with a C or better.  Based on these requirement, the linked list of concepts has been compiled.  The list summarizes those skills that entering Chem 1450 students should be familiar with to successfully complete this course.  The concepts are generally listed in the order that they appear in the current Chem 1450 text. 

Students are urged to review this list and to direct questions regarding their preparedness to their instructor as soon as possible.  If in doubt about your preparedness for this course, contact the chemistry department and discuss this with your instructor.  Chem 1301 sections are offered as half-semester courses as a refresher.

Click to view the list of Chem 1450 skills.