Chemistry 3360, Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry: Desrochers Fall 2021

Required course materials.


Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (5th Ed.) by Geoff Rayner-Canham & Tina Overton   (c) 2010
Publisher: Freeman
ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-2434-5  

Copy of Mercury software
(freeware downloadable from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center, CCDC)

Link to CCDC Mercury download page.

Mac OS users will also be prompted to download an extra plugin called XQuartz in order to open and install Mercury.

After you download and install this freeware on your computer try opening this file

It should open and show a beautiful molecule.

Mercury is now the standard of the industry for displaying structural information obtained from single crystal
X-ray diffraction measurements.  All published structures in journals now must also include a .cif file that is readable and displayable in Mercury.  You will find these under supporting information for any published articles. For those familiar with Chime or Rasmol, Mercury is to inorganic chemistry what Rasmol and Chime are for biomolecules in biochemistry.