Workforce Communication Skills Survey

Assessment of Workforce Communication Skills

The University of Central Arkansas University/Industry Partnership Advisory Committee wants to know the importance of oral and written communication skills in your organization. This information will enable university professors to better prepare their students for today’s workforce. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. This survey is completely confidential. Thank you in advance for your quick reply. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Rebecca Gatlin-Watts at


Oral Communication Skills

Importance of Skill Very Important......... Not Important
Following Instructions  5    
Listening Skills  5    
Conversational Skills 5    
Giving Feedback 5    
Communicating with the Public 5    
Facilitation During a Meeting 5    
Presentation Skills 5    
Handling Customer Complaints 5    
Conflict Resolution Skills 5    
Negotiation Skills 5    
Taking Customer Orders 5    
Interview Skills 5    
Training Skills 5    

Written Communication Skills

Importance of Skill Very Important......... Not Important
Spelling Skills 5    
Grammar Skills 5    
Writing Skills 5    
Use of E-Mail 5    
Using Words Effectively 5    
Using Techniques of Style Correctly 5    
Writing Routine and Pleasant Letters and Memos 5    
Writing Unpleasant Letters and Memos 5    
Writing to Persuade 5    
Writing Short Reports (less than three pages) 5    
Writing Formal Reports (more than three pages) 5    
Writing Agendas for Meetings 5    
Writing Minutes of a Meeting 5    

Diversity/Multicultural Communication Skills

Importance of Skill Very Important......... Not Important
Cultural Awareness 5    
Foreign Language Skills 5    
Non-Verbal Communications Across Cultures 5    
Non-Verbal Communications Across Genders 5    
Verbal Communication Across Cultures 5    
Verbal Communication Across Genders 5    
Communicating Ideas Clearly to Diverse Audiences 5    

Electronic Communications

Importance of Skill Very Important......... Not Important
Proper Use of E-Mail 5    
E-Mail Etiquette 5    
Writing and Responding to E-Mail Messages 5    
Video Conferencing Skills 5    
Desktop Conferencing Skills (Net Meeting) 5    

Communications Climate

Importance of Skill Very Important......... Not Important
Self-Prompter 5    
Interpersonal Skills 5    
Decision Making Skills 5    

Corporate Involvement

1.    Does your corporate mission statement include communications objectives?      Yes    No

       a.  Do you feel that it should?    Yes    No

b.  How much does the corporate mission statement impact the effectiveness of communications in your organization?

                    Much Impact     5    4    3    2    1    No  Impact

2.  Does your company regularly use personality analysis and other diagnostic instruments to promote better communications among co-workers and customers?   Yes        No

a.    How much importance is placed on these instruments? (circle one)

Very Important     5    4    3    2    1    Not Important

3.  Does your company stress the importance of keeping up-to-date on communications issues by encouraging employees to read trade journals, books or other types of informative media?     Yes        No

a.    How much do you feel that this can or does impact the effectiveness of communication in your organization?

                     Very Important     5    4    3    2    1    Not Important

Corporate Demographics

1.    Which category best describes your industry?

        Agriculture Production and Services         Construction             Consulting
        Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate         Education                 Government
        Health Care                                           Manufacturing           Mining and Oil
        Trade (Wholesale or Retail)                     Public Utilities           Transportation
        Technology (Computers, electronics), or similar fields                      

2.    Which classification best describes your job?

        President        Vice-President       Personnel Manager/Human Resource Manager        Other 

3.    How many years have you worked in the position you indicated above?

        less than 1 year      4-7 years              12-15 years                20 or more years
        1-3 years               8-11 years             16-19 years
4.    How many years have you worked in this organization?

        less than 1 year       6-10 years            16-20 years               26-30 years
        1-5 years                11-15 years           21-25 years               31 or more years
5.    Number of employees in your organization for whom you are responsible in human resource functions:

       less than 50    50-99    100-499    more than 500

6.    Do you currently employ UCA graduates?         Yes        No

7.    Do you currently employ temporary workers?   Yes        No

8.    How many employees do you anticipate hiring in the coming year?   

9.    Estimated corporate sales last year?   

10.  Where is your main organizational workforce located?   

Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire.




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College of Business Administration.  University of Central Arkansas.  201 Donaghey Avenue.  Conway, AR 72035.  (501) 450-3106.