PHIL3395: Marx

Novy SP09

Notes for Wolff: Chapter 2 “Class, History, and Capital” (pg. 48-66)


  1. “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle”

Excludes the most primitive and the most advanced societies

  1. Who are the bourgeoisie?
  1. Who are the proletariat?
  1. Myth of the lazy and of the industrious

“From this original sin dates the poverty of the great majority … and the wealth of the few that increases constantly although they have ceased to work”

  1. Class has an “explanatory and predictive function”
    1. Class struggle

“Between equal rights force decides”

    1. Each class recognizes common interest in measures to advance position
    1. Class consciousness

Classes are real agents for Marx

    1. Class antagonism provides the mechanism for replacing capitalism with communism


Theory of history

  1. “A society marches on its stomach, and its stomach greatly influences its brains”
  1. Historical materialism
    1. “Seeks the ultimate cause and the great moving power of all historical events
    1. In the economic development of society
    1. In the changes in the modes of production and exchange
    1. In the consequent division of society into distinct classes, &
    1. In the struggles of these classes against one another”
  1. To accept the basic story is to accept Historical Materialism (& hence, a Marxist)
    1. Human history is the story of the development of human productive power
    1. Forms of society rise and fall as they further or impede that growth
  1. Architectural image
    1. Foundation: Human productive power
    1. Base: Economic structure
    1. Superstructure: Political and legal form
  1. Development Thesis: forces of production tend to develop over time (i.e., human productive power tends to grow)
  1. Primacy Thesis #1: level of development of the productive forces within a society – its available technology – will determine the nature of its economic structure
  1. Primacy Thesis #2: nature of the economic structure of a society determines the nature of its political and legal superstructure
  1. Theory of Ideology

Dominate ideas of a society are determined by the needs of the economic structure

  1. Distinction between the “social revolution” and the “ideological forms in which men become aware of this struggle and fight it out”