
Finite Element Method with Maple

Copyright 2000, Fedderik van der Bos

Author's note: This worksheet is intended for academic use only. It is not for commerical use.

This worksheet computes solutions of linear second order non-symmetric PDE's using a Finite Element Method (FEM). It also uses the NAG library, which greatly reduces the computing time. Most of the algorithms and also the notation are from the book Introduction to Scientific Computing written by B. Lucquin and O. Pironneau, John Wiley & Sons, 1998. The following problem is used (equation 6.1-3 in the book)

-diverge(M*grad(phi))+innerprod(u,grad(phi))+a[0]*p... in Omega

Phi = Phi[0] on Gamma[1]

innerprod(M*grad(phi),n)+a[1]*phi = g on Gamma[2]

With n the normal on the boundary and Gamma = Gamma[1]+Gamma[2] is the boundary of Omega .

This worksheet demonstrates use of the accompanying Maple package FEMpackge.mws, which may be downloaded by clicking on the "Download Code" column in the Maple Application Center entry for this application.

The FEM-package contains the following procedures.

Solving the Linear System can easily be done by LinearSolve from the LinearAlgebra package.

It uses the following global variables

The following variables have to be defined.

Now we can begin.

Libname has to be redefined in order to be able to use the FEM-package on my PC.

> restart;

> libname:="F:\\Program Files\\Maple Libraries",libname:

> with(plots):

> with(linalg):

> with(FEM);

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected

[Convert_Data_Boundary, Convert_Data_Interior, Gene...


The usage of Square_Grid, Generate_Hatfunction and Gridplot can be seen in the following section. For the other procedures more data is needed and their usage can been seen in the examples.

Generate Grid and Hatfunctions

Square_Grid and Gridplot

> Square_Grid(5);

`Number of Vertices`, 61, `Number of Triangles`, 10...

> Vertices;


> Triangles;


> Boundary;


> Number_of_Vertices;


> Number_of_Triangles;


> Number_of_Boundary_segments;

[6, 6, 6, 6]

> Gridplot();

[Maple Plot]


> Generate_Hatfunctions();

61, `Hatfunctions generated`

> Hatfunctions[1](x);


> plot3d(Hatfunctions[7](x),x[1]=0..1,x[2]=0..1);

[Maple Plot]



Check from a known function

In this example we make the function solution phi . Also we define M, u, a0 and a1. f and g are calculated. This is a nice way to see if the program works. As you can see in the example I have chosen the functions are quite random.


> phi:=x->x[1]^2+sin(2*x[1]*Pi)*x[2]+cos(2*x[2]*Pi)+exp(x[1]*x[2]);

phi := proc (x) options operator, arrow; x[1]^2+sin...

> plot_phi:=plot3d(phi(x),x[1]=0..1,x[2]=0..1,color=blue):

> display(plot_phi,axes=normal);

[Maple Plot]

Interior functions.

> M:=x->matrix(2,2,[1,0,0,1]);

> u:=x->[-x[2],x[1]];

> a0:=x->10*sin(x[1]*Pi/10)*cosh(x[2]*Pi);

M := proc (x) options operator, arrow; matrix(2,2,[...

u := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [-x[2], x[1]...

a0 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 10*sin(1/10...

Boundary functions, look at the way they are defined.

> phi0:=x->[phi(x),phi(x),phi(x),phi(x)];

> a1:=x->[x[1],x[2],x[1]*x[2],sin(x[2])];

phi0 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [phi(x), ...

a1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [x[1], x[2]...

> f:=unapply(-diverge(evalm(M(x)&*grad(phi(x),[x[1],x[2]])),[x[1],x[2]])+innerprod(u(x),grad(phi(x),[x[1],x[2]]))+a0(x)*phi(x),x);

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; -2+4*sin(2*x...
f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; -2+4*sin(2*x...

For the calculation of g we need to know the normal.

> N:=[[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1],[-1,0]];

N := [[0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0]]

> g:=unapply([seq(evalm(N[k]&*M(x)&*grad(phi(x),[x[1],x[2]]))+a1(x)[k]*phi(x),k=1..4)],x);

g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [-sin(2*x[1]...
g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [-sin(2*x[1]...
g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [-sin(2*x[1]...
g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [-sin(2*x[1]...


> Type_Dirichlet:=[true,false,false,true];

Type_Dirichlet := [true, false, false, true]

> N:=4;

> Bandwidth:=2*N+1;

> e:=10000;

N := 4

Bandwith := 9

e := 10000

Grid generation

> Square_Grid(N);

`Number of Vertices`, 41, `Number of Triangles`, 64...

> Generate_Hatfunctions();

41, `Hatfunctions generated`


> Convert_Data_Interior(M,u,a0,f);

> Convert_Data_Boundary(Type_Dirichlet,phi0,a1,g);

`Interior Data ready`

`Boundary Data ready`

Data generated

> M_data;


> U_data;


> A0_data;


> F_data;


> Phi0_data;


> A1_data;


> G_data;


> Linear_System(Type_Dirichlet,Bandwidth,e);

`Linear System ready`

> Matrix_A;


> Vector_F;


> Phi:=convert(LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve](Matrix_A,Vector_F),list);

Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...
Phi := [2.00017365524517832, 2.06286050187951408, 1...


> phi_h:=x->sum(Phi[k]*Hatfunctions[k](x),k=1..Number_of_Vertices);

phi_h := proc (x) options operator, arrow; sum(Phi[...

> plot_phi_h:=plot3d(phi_h(x),x[1]=0..1,x[2]=0..1,color=red,labels=[x,y,z]):

> display({plot_phi_h,plot_phi},axes=normal);

[Maple Plot]



This is an nice example from the book (paragraph 1.4). The "+" sign is wrong in the book, it has to be a "-" sign.


> f:=x->exp(-10*((x[1]-.1)^2+(x[2]-.5)^2));

> g:=x->[0,0,0,0];

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; exp(-10*(x[1...

g := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [0, 0, 0, 0]...

> Type_Dirichlet:=[false,false,false,false];

Type_Dirichlet := [false, false, false, false]

> phi0:=x->0;

> M:=x->matrix(2,2,[1,0,0,1]);

> u:=x->[0,0];

> a0:=x->.8;

> a1:=x->[0,0,0,0];

phi0 := 0

M := proc (x) options operator, arrow; matrix(2,2,[...

u := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [0, 0] end p...

a0 := .8

a1 := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [0, 0, 0, 0...


> N:=5;

> Bandwidth:=2*N+1;

> e:=10000;

N := 5

Bandwith := 11

e := 10000

Grid generation

We want the grid to look like a concert hall, so the domain [0,1]x[0,1] is transformed.

> Square_Grid(N);

`Number of Vertices`, 61, `Number of Triangles`, 10...

> Trans:=x->[x[1],piecewise(x[1]<=.2,x[2],x[1]<=.8,(.8+x[1])*x[2]+(x[1]-.2),(2.4-x[1])*x[2]+x[1]-.2)];

Trans := proc (x) options operator, arrow; [x[1], p...

> VT:=[seq(Trans(Vertices[i]),i=1..Number_of_Vertices)]:

> Vertices:=Array(1..Number_of_Vertices,1..2,VT,datatype=float,readonly);

Vertices := _rtable[1491004]

> Gridplot();

[Maple Plot]

> Generate_Hatfunctions();

61, `Hatfunctions generated`


> Convert_Data_Interior(M,u,a0,f);

> Convert_Data_Boundary(Type_Dirichlet,phi0,a1,g);

> Linear_System(Type_Dirichlet,Bandwidth,e);

`Interior Data ready`

`Boundary Data ready`

`Linear System ready`

> Phi:=convert(LinearAlgebra[LinearSolve](Matrix_A,Vector_F),list);

Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....
Phi := [.266080080852142020, .265616676732855772, ....


> phi_h:=x->sum(Phi[k]*Hatfunctions[k](x),k=1..Number_of_Vertices);

phi_h := proc (x) options operator, arrow; sum(Phi[...

> plot3d(phi_h(x),x[1]=0..1,x[2]=0..(2.2));

[Maple Plot]
