Spring 2001

Lecture Exam 3

This exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. Each one has only one right answer. Read each question and all possible answers carefully before answering.

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Turn in both the Scantron form and the test paper when you are finished. Make sure your name is on both. You may write on the test paper if you wish, but anything you write on the test paper will not be graded.

Good luck.

1. Strictly speaking, the "Gaia Hypothesis" states that

the entire Earth regulates its own environments by homeostasis

2. Domestic cats and dogs are classified in the same order. That means they must also be in the same


3. Trees transport water through special tissue called ____, and nutrients (in the form of sap) through special tissue called _____.

xylem; phloem

4. A protist called Entamoeba histolytica can invade the human digestive tract and cause severe bloody diarrhea. What is the name for this type of close relationship?


5. The most important driving force behind carbon cycling is


6. Gregor Samsa is bilaterally symmetrical, with a coelom, jointed legs, and an exoskeleton made of the carbohydrate chitin. We would therefore classify Gregor as an


7. Both lightning and the actions of certain bacteria take the gas ___ out of the air and put it in the soil in the form of compounds that other organisms can use.


8. The diagram you see here shows the growth of the U.S. population since 1790, according to the U. S. Bureau of the Census. How would you describe this curve?


9. The bacteria that cause the disease tetanus, or "lockjaw", are called bacilli. This means that, under the microscope, they look


10. The bacteria that cause tetanus can go into an extremely resistant dormant state, and then "come back to life" when conditions are favorable again. These resistant stages are


11. Plants can only increase in length at special zones where cell division takes place, usually at the tip of a growing root or shoot. These special zones are


12. Your skin is made up mostly of a type of tissue that consists of flattened cells used for lining surfaces. This tissue would be classified as


13. Your skin also contains muscle and supporting tissues, as well as the flattened cells mentioned above. This means that your skin is a/an


14. Globally, the amount of grain grown per person peaked in 1985 at about 380 kg per person. Since 1985, the human population has grown rapidly. Grain production is not growing nearly as fast, and the amount of land used for growing grain has stayed roughly constant. There is now less grain available per person than there was in 1985-and this amount is falling. This suggests

the human population has reached or overshot its carrying capacity

15. All of these plants have specialized vascular tissue except for

a moss

16. A homemade apple pie is

radially symmetrical

17. Marine animals known as sea urchins produce millions of eggs and sperm at each spawning. The larval sea urchins drift through the water for several days, and most of them don't survive to maturity-in fact, most are eaten by other organisms. This is an example of

an r-selected life history

18. Typical members of the Mollusca have all of the following EXCEPT

a notochord

19. A set of similar ecosystems, such as "desert", "tropical rain forest", or "coral reef", is referred to as a


20. Members of the Fungi can be distinguished from other kingdoms by the fact that they have

cell walls made of chitin

21. A climax community

is the community present at the end of succession

22. Suppose you could go into a field and collect every blade of grass, every rabbit, and every owl living in that field. Suppose you then weighed all the grass together in one bundle, then all the rabbits together, and then all the owls. Which would weigh the most?

the grass

23. You could refer to the rabbits in the field as

primary consumers

24. The weights you would get in the preceding question could be arranged in a diagram called

a trophic pyramid

25. If the grass were sprayed with a low dose of a poison (a pesticide, for example), the owls might end up getting a large dose of the poison. This illustrates a phenomenon called

biological magnification

26. All of the following organisms are ecological decomposers except for:

oak trees

27. Suppose you caught a bunch of stonerollers (a small minnow-like fish) from Cadron Creek north of Conway, and you collected a bunch of similar fish from Peyton Creek, up in Van Buren County. What test could you do to be sure that both belonged to the same species?

Try to crossbreed them.

28. When bacteria have sex, they exchange


29. Which of these concepts was developed by a Swedish botanist named Carl Linnaeus?

binomial nomenclature

30. Which of the following is a gametophyte?

a pollen grain

31. This microscopic organism, Pandorina, is classified as a protist, even though it is made up of many cells. We don't call it an animal, plant, or fungus because it does not have

cell differentiation

32. Which of these is not classified in the Class Reptilia?

a salamander

33. You can kill a tree by "girdling" it -- that is, by removing a strip of bark from all around the trunk, leaving a complete circle of exposed wood. Why does a girdled tree die?

Nutrients such as sugar can't reach the roots.

34. "Girdling" a tree also removes a special living tissue which, as it grows, lays down new wood in rings and allows a tree trunk to become thicker. This is the


35. Suppose that a surgeon had to stick a very large needle into your liver. The needle would first pass through your skin, and then through layers of muscles and fat. Then it would enter a space that was filled with a little fluid, before it finally entered your liver itself. That space is an example of a


36. If you examined a mycelium under the microscope, what would it look like?

a tangle of filaments

37. A controversial scientist at Berkeley named Dr. Robert Duesberg doesn't believe that the disease AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. According to him, not all people with AIDS-like symptoms have HIV, and some people who get infected with HIV never develop AIDS symptoms. Almost every other AIDS researcher thinks he's wrong -- but if he's right, then

AIDS researchers would be violating Koch's postulates.

38. Which element is released to ecosystems by the weathering of rocks?


39. The rainbow darters (a species of small fish) in Cadron Creek occupy a niche. What defines their niche?

All of the above and more.

40. Gases such as carbon dioxide enter and exit plant leaves through special structures called


41. Water can exit from plant leaves through the same structures that carbon dioxide and oxygen can pass through. The loss of water through leaves has a special name:


42. Which of these is not present in all members of the phylum Chordata, at least at some time in their life cycles?


43. In which kingdom would you look if you wanted to find organisms that produce sporocarps?


44. A bacterium that is a facultative aerobe

uses oxygen, but can survive without it if necessary

45. A reasonable conservative estimate for the total number of species on this planet now would be about


46. If you peeled a lichen off the trunk of a tree, sliced it up properly and looked at it under the microscope, you would see

both algal cells and fungal hyphae

47. The common name for many members of the Phylum Nematoda is


48. Which animal phylum is by far the largest of all?


49. In an ecological experiment in the 1960s, the ecologist Robert Paine removed a predator (a species of starfish) from a small stretch of rocky coastline in Washington state. The result was that the mussels (a type of clam), which the starfish normally fed on, overgrew many of the other organisms that lived on the rocks, and the entire ecosystem changed dramatically-in fact, about half of the species present were wiped out. This starfish is an example of a

keystone species

50. The President of the United States is

George W. Bush

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