Math 2441 – Introduction to Mathematical Computation

Instructor:  Clarence Burg

Class Time:  MWF 11:00-11:50, Th 2:40-3:55

Location:  MCS 212, MCS 214



Course Syllabus


Homework Due Dates

            HW 1.5           Due Wednesday, Sept 2

            HW 1.6           Due Friday, Sept 4

            HW 2.2           Due Monday, Sept 14

            HW 2.4           Due Friday, Sept 18

            HW 2.6           Due Friday, Sept 25



Project Due Dates

            Guidelines for Project Format

            Project #1        Annuities with growth and randomness

                        Project #1 HW            Due Friday, Sept 4

                        Project #1 Report        Due Friday, Sept 11

            Project #2        Sequences and iterations

                        Project #2 HW            Due Wednesday, Sept 23

                        Project #2 Report        Due Monday, Sept 28

            Project #3        Applications of iterations

            Project #4        Linear least squares regression

            Project #5        Approximating functions with basis functions  


Test Schedule



Possible Final Class Projects

            1.  Develop an R program to determine the probability of achieving one’s retirement goals, given random variations in the rates of return.

            2.  Investigate more general two-step iterations, starting with the Fibonacci sequence.

            3.  Investigate modifications to Newton’s Method to improve its performance.

            4.  Write an R program to implement a variety of linear least squares regression models.

            5.  Develop a program to analyze decaying exponentials (with sines and cosines) using Fourier series.

            6.  Investigate numerically and mathematically Taylor series obtained by altering known Taylor series.

            7.  Investigate the radius of convergence of Taylor series for rational functions or other functions that have vertical asymptotes.


            Final Project timeline