My dissertation research applies computational design optimization techniques, that are commonly used in the aerospace industry, to the design of open channel flows. In order to understand the numerical model and the characteristics of various channels, I modeled many different channels, using HIVEL2D.

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We are using the 2D, depth-averaged, viscous, shallow water equations. HIVEL2D is the code that numerically solves these equations for a given grid and was written by Dr. Charlie Berger at the Waterways Experiment Station . These equations make certain assumptions, such as no vertical velocity, mild slope assumptions, and hydrostatic pressure distribution. In the design process, the key to success is the cancellation of the series of hydraulic jumps that are developed. But at a hydraulic jump, the assumptions of no vertical velocity and of a hydrostatic pressure distribution are violated, technically rendering the shallow water equations invalid in this region. Recognizing this limit to the computational design process, we are still able to identify the influential design parameters. It may be necessary, in future research, to use a different set of 2D equations or to use the full 3D equations with a free surface model.

Since computational design procedures have not been previously applied to open channel flow, one aspect of my research is to recast the problem into an optimization problem. In particular, I am interested in determining the best objective function to minimize. This objective function should be quite sensitive to changes in the design variables and should attain its minimum for a physically realistic optimum flow. Currently, I am studying an objective function that attains its minimum for flow with a constant depth. Unfortunately, for a viscous flow, the form of the shallow water equations that we are using does not allow a constant depth across the channel.

For more information, please read the following:

“An Efficient, Robust Design Tool for Open-Channel Flow”, ASCE J. Hydraulic Eng, Junary, 2001, pp. 62-70.

Clarence Burg’s Dissertation