Cell Structure and Function
I. Levels of Organization
II. Microscopy and the Study of Cell Structure
a. History: Robert Hooke
c. Why do we need microscopes to study cells?
d. light microscope
e. the importance of resolution
g. confocal laser scanning microscope: fluorescence identification; 3D reconstruction
g. scanning tunneling microscope
III. Introduction to Cell Structure and Function
a. cell organelles: introduction
b. cell membrane
c. fluid mosaic model
d. functions of membrane components
e. cell walls: structure and functions cellulose microfibrils; in cell
IV. Role of Cell Fractionation in Elucidating Organelle Function
a. cell fractionation; the homogenate
b. density gradient centrifugation
V. The Structure and Functions of the Organelles
a. nucleus
b. vacuole
c. ribosomes
e. Golgi Complex ER-Golgi connection
f. lysosomes
g. microbodies
i. chloroplasts
j. cytoskeleton : microtubules; tubulin movement