Cell Structure and Function

I. Levels of Organization

II. Microscopy and the Study of Cell Structure

a. History: Robert Hooke

b. The Cell Theory

c. Why do we need microscopes to study cells? 

d. light microscope

Janssen Brothers

e. the importance of resolution

f. electron microscope

g. confocal laser scanning microscope: fluorescence identification; 3D reconstruction

g. scanning tunneling microscope

III. Introduction to Cell Structure and Function

a. cell organelles: introduction

b. cell membrane

c. fluid mosaic model

d. functions of membrane components

e. cell walls: structure and functions cellulose microfibrils; in cell

IV. Role of Cell Fractionation in Elucidating Organelle Function

a. cell fractionation; the homogenate

b. density gradient centrifugation

V. The Structure and Functions of the Organelles

a. nucleus

b. vacuole

c. ribosomes

d. endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

e. Golgi Complex ER-Golgi connection

f. lysosomes

g. microbodies

h. mitochondria

i. chloroplasts

j.  cytoskeleton : microtubules; tubulin movement