Cereal Grains

I. Introduction

-Plant family (Poaceae)

II. Structure of Grasses

A. Vegetative growth

B. Floral Anatomy

C. Fruit Anatomy barley outside barley cut in half germ, bran, polished (endosperm)

III. Impact of Human Selection on Wild Grains

-selection for:

threshing and winnowing

IV. Major Grain Crops

A. Barley (Hordeum vulgare)


-beer making


B. Wheat


-Triticum monococcum (Einkorn) (1 set, 7 chromosomes)

-Emmer (2 sets)

-Durum (pasta or 'hard' wheat) (4 sets)


Celiac disease

-T. aestivum (bread wheat) (6 sets; 6N = 42)

-20,000 cultivars

-white flour is only endosperm to increase shelf life

-enriched flour (add vitamins, thiamine, niacin, iron)

C. Rye (Secale cereale)

D. Triticale (wheat X rye) Goal?

E. Rice (Oryza sativum)

indica (long grain)

sativa or japonica (short grain)

upland or dry rice

wet or paddy rice

brown to polished 

-Beriberi (Golden rice) Golden rice.org

F. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

-southern crop

-broom corn

G. Corn (Zea mays)

flower location and structure


genetic resources

masa harina



maize beer (Chibuku)


industrial alcohol