Fruits and Nuts

I. What is a fruit?

A. Introduction

botanical terminology vs. everyday speech

flower diagram


Nuts are fruits

B. Classification of fruits

-Basis for system:

a. number of carpels (ovaries)?

ovaries are derived from folded leaf (carpel)

maybe simple or compound

ovary may contain more than one ovule

b. position of (carpel) ovary?

inferior or superior ovary

c. mature ovary: fleshy or dry?

ovary wall (and other floral parts) matures to produce a fruit wall or pericarp consisting of  layers (exocarp, mesocarp, endocarp)




corn dry pericarp

Why fleshy fruits?

d.  Type of fruit?

simple fruit- from one flower (e.g., peach, apple)

 aggregate fruit- from multiple ovaries (e.g., black berry)

 multiple fruit- from multiple flowers (e.g., pineapple)

C. Fruit Identification

Fruit Identification Summary

1. simple

How many flowers? How many ovaries?

-single ovary (simple or compound)

-DRY PERICARP (seed dispersal?)

-dehiscent (e.g. beans, peas, milkweed)

-indehiscent (e.g. sunflower, corn)

-FLESHY PERICARP (seed dispersal?)

2. aggregate

How many flowers? How many ovaries?



3. multiple

How many flowers?


banana.jpg (30436 bytes)

II. Fruits and Nuts from Cold Regions

A. Rosaceae (Rose Family)

1. pome group



Johnny Appleseed

-pear stone cells


2. plum group


hydrocyanic acid (amygdalin)

-plums (prunes)

-cherries (sweet, sour)

-peaches (free stone, clings) Feicheng peach

-nectarine (peach mutant)

-apricot (pregnancy test?)

3. Aggregate fruits, false berry group

Fragaria (swollen receptacle)

Type of fruit?

-strawberry (achene) 

Rubus (swollen ovaries)

Type of fruit?

- blackberry

-boysenberry (blackberry X raspberry)

B. Ericaceae (Heath Family)


-cranberry bog

C. Grapes (Vitaceae)




-Arkansas wine industry

D. Olives

Olea europaea


E. Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia deliciosa)

F. Temperate Nuts

apple.jpg (32264 bytes)

III. Fruits and Nuts from Warm Regions

A. Citrus Fruits

-herperidium oil glands distribution


-Navel orange



-citron Buddha's hand product

B. Squashes (Cucurbitaceae) (New World)



C. Melons (Old World Cucurbitaceae)

D. Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplants

E. Coconuts

Cocos nucifera 

F. Pineapples

Anansas comosus


G. Bananas

H. Okra

I. Exotic Fruits

J. Warm Region Nuts