
What is the branch of biology called taxonomy primarily concerned with?

the classification of life forms by their similarities
the history of the field of biology
the environment


Fossils are most likely to be found in _____.

the continental shelves
unglaciated terrain
sedimentary rock
igneous rock
volcanic archipelagos, such as the Galápagos and Hawaiian Islands


The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships is called __________.

binomial nomenclature
periodic table


Which one of the following methods to establish phylogenetic relationships among organisms has been developed most recently?

comparing morphology (shape and structure)
comparing physiology (the functioning of structures and systems)
comparing the component sequences of proteins and nucleic acids
comparing behavioral patterns
comparing embryonic development


Three or four of the following statements describe part of the current, widely accepted explanation of why the fossil record is incomplete. Which statement, if any, does NOT help explain the incompleteness of the fossil record? If all the statements help to explain the incomplete fossil record, choose answer (5)

Soft body parts and soft organisms rot and seldom fossilize.
Some species live where sediments rarely accumulate and don't fossilize.
Species go extinct and leave gaps in the record.
Speciation occurred only occasionally and even then, fairly rapidly, so individuals exhibiting transitions seldom fossilized.
All of the above.


The fauna and flora of Australia are very different from those of the rest of the world. Why might this be true?

They have become different by convergent evolution.
The climate of Australia is unlike that of any other place in the world.
Australia was never in close proximity to the other continents.
Life in Australia was wiped out by ancient volcanic eruptions.
Australia has been isolated for about 50 million years.


Many obvious characteristics, such as color and size, are not useful in classification because they ____________.

do not indicate evolutionary relationships
have changed extensively over evolutionary time
are analogous rather than homologous
all of the above
none of the above


If species A and species B are in the same family, and species C is in a different family, then you can infer that _____.

C is more closely related to A than A is to B.
A and B have a more recent common ancestor than do A and C.
A and C have a more recent common ancestor than do A and B.
A is more closely related to C than B is to A.
None of the above


All the members of which one of the following groups have the greatest number of characteristics in common?



The scientific system of binomial nomenclature ensures that _________.

each species is assigned a unique name
each species has a name that is understandable in any country
systematists can easily specify the closest relatives of any species
all of the above
none of the above


The system of binomial nomenclature assigns to each organism a unique name that describes its _________.

order and family
body plan and habitat
species and genus
family and species
evolutionary history


The species is the only taxonomic group (at least in one definition) in which all the members ____________.

have a similar ecology
share a gene pool
have a similar morphology
share an evolutionary ancestor
all of the above


A taxon __________.

is a formal grouping at any given level
refers only to Mammalia
is a strain
is a species
is an order


Put the following in order, beginning with the most general: class, family, genus, kingdom, order, phylum, species.

kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
kingdom, class, phylum, family, order, genus, species
kingdom, family, class, order, phylum, genus, species
kingdom, family, order, class, phylum, genus, species
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, species, genus


The wings of birds and insects have the same function, but they do not have the same evolutionary origin. Bird and insect wings are _____.



Which of the following would be the least useful in determining the relationships among various species?

DNA base sequences
homologous structures
amino acid sequences of proteins
analogous structures


A phylogenetic tree of bird families constructed by cladistic analysis would most clearly show which of the following?

characteristics shared by all bird families
evolutionary relationships among families
families that look most alike
analogous structures shared by various species
relative ages of living species of birds


Using cladistic analysis, a taxonomist wishes to construct a phylogenetic tree showing the relationships among various species of mammals. Which of the following would be the least useful for this purpose?

descriptions of various types of limbs (wings, legs, flippers, etc.)
the fact that all mammals have hair
data about skull bones
the fact that teeth vary among types of mammals
DNA base sequences


Cacti are native to the Americas, while cactuslike euphorbs (relatives of Christmas poinsettias) are native to Africa. The most likely explanation for this is _____.

a founder effect
adaptive radiation
competitive exclusion
convergent evolution


Mammal hair evolved from the scales of reptiles. On the other hand, the "hair" on many insects, such as bees, has a completely different origin. These facts mean that the hair of mammals and the hair of insects are ____________.

congruent structures
homologous structures
heterologous structures
analogous structures
embryonic structures


__________ evolution leads to __________ structures.

Convergent ... analogous
Divergent ... congruent
Parallel ... analogous
Convergent ... homologous
Divergent ... analogous


An example of a pair of organisms that have undergone convergent evolution is _____.

mice and bats
birds and bats
snakes and turtles
whales and kangaroos
none of the above


In a phylogenetic systematics, taxa are said to be related if they _____.

evolve from the same ancestor
can exchange genes with one another
originate at the same time
share analogous structures
occupy similar niches


The characters that are most useful for phylogenetic inference are _________.

unique and ancestral
shared and ancestral
biochemical and convergent
shared and convergent
shared and derived

Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-C, 5-E, 6-E, 7-D, 8-B, 9-E, 10-D, 11-C, 12-B, 13-A, 14-A, 15-C, 16-E, 17-B, 18-B, 19-E, 20-D, 21-A, 22-B, 23-A, 24-E