Absorption Spectra of I2 and Br2
Physical Chemistry I| Fall 2019
This will be a formal lab report. You should not let the word "formal" concern you too much. It is basically what you
have done in the informal write-ups, but with more attention to the intro (there is a significant amount of theory you need to describe
in this one) and careful inclusion of several references. You also need to be more mindful of the sections and include both
a results section and a discussion section where you analyze what the results tell you about the species. I do expect that
because we worked for 3 weeks to collect and work up the data that this report will be longer than your normal report. (My guess is
around 10 pgs or so depending on the size and number of figures you include.)
Click here to access more info about what
I am looking for when I grade this lab write-up:
Good References for your intro:
Reference 1: Lessinger Birge-Sponer
Reference 3: Stafford, 1962
Reference 4:
D'alterio 1974
Reference 5: McNaught, 1980