Tikanni joined our family seven months after Roxy passed away as a birthday present for me. She was already four months old, but the family who had her were having a difficult time dealing with such an energetic and mischievous puppy. She had a little trouble adjusting, and she's lucky she's so darned cute; otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to laugh at her little mistakes. Below are a few pictures of our little baby (she's the runt of a runt and so much smaller than Roxy. Roxy was nearly 100 pounds and Tikanni has topped out at a mere 41 pounds.) Her name means "wolf" in Ahtna, a Native American language spoken in Alaska.
August 2002. Tikanni loves to play outside and will spend hours running around and lazing in the sun--especially when Bill is there to play with her.
Tikanni at five months. Tikanni loves the sun!
Tikanni loves to go for rides! Christmas morning with Bill. Christmas 2003. Who doesn't love a warm fire in December?
Christmas 2003 Me, Bill and Tikanni, Christmas in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 2004.