UCA Planetarium Shows

Each month, Dr. Scott Austin opens the UCA Planetarium to the public. You may attend one planetarium show, and have it count as a lab exercise. 

The UCA Planetarium is located in LSC 010, and shows are scheduled for 7:00PM on the first Wednesday of each month. This semester's dates are shown on the left, and are also listed on the course calendar.  Admission is free, but you will be issued a ticket at the door. Keep your ticket as proof of attendance.  There are 60 seats in the planetarium, and only the first 60 people arriving will be admitted.  If you plan to attend a show, you should plan to arrive about 15-20 minutes early to make sure you are admitted.  The sky shows typically last approximately one hour.

How to Get Lab Credit

  • Attend a Planetarium Show.
  • Keep your Admission Ticket as proof of attendance. No one will receive credit for the assignment without submitting the original ticket.
  • Write a brief (one page) summary of the show. You should include sufficient detail to demonstrate that you were in attendance and paying attention, but you do not need to report every fact presented to you.
  • Attach your original Admission Ticket to your summary, and turn both items in no later than the Wednesday following the show you attended. Due dates are listed on the calendars.
  • For the obvious reason, you cannot receive quiz credit by submitting a summary without also attaching the original Admission Ticket. No exceptions to this policy will be made for any reason.
Office: LSC 014
Telephone: 501.450.5910
E-Mail: njaustin@uca.edu