Organic Radical Battery


Group 1


Tommy Gooch III, Ashley Hardwrick, David Breeding, Ryan King, and Alexei Korolev


      Key Words: NEC, Battery, Emerging Technology, ORB, Power Source


      Organic Radical Battery is a new category of rechargeable battery that is being exclusively developed by NEC Corporation. ORB is made ultra-thin, flexible and capable of recharging in about 30 seconds, which is super fast. The way it works is by using electrochemical reaction of organic radical compounds, which uses a type of plastic called organic radical polymer as its cathode. The polymer assumes an electrolyte-permeated gel condition and that’s the reason why the battery is so remarkably elastic. It can be implanted into smartcards and intelligent paper and other types of next generation technology that will be widely used by businesses.


      Due to the organic radical extremely fast electrode reaction, the battery is capable of charging large current loads with a good utilization of capacity. Basically ORB can be charged at no time, whenever and wherever necessary, which makes a big distinction between the batteries’s of the past and today. It also has an astonishing life cycle. The battery is able to being charged and discharged thousands of times with no harm to the battery itself, and there is no need to worry about overheating and fire because ORB carries the reputation of being non-flammable and non-explosive.


      Organic Radical Battery was developed by NEC Corporation, which one of the world’s leading providers of internet broadband network and enterprise business solutions. The corporation believes in bringing us closer to an everywhere networked society by allowing accessing the network anywhere and anytime. NEC uses its technical strengths in IT and networks to incorporate the solutions in the key fields of computer.


      The first experiments show that ORB could be very useful as an emergency power source for IT equipment such as a desktop PC from loosing its data during the blackouts and other technical problems. If you think about, we could have build in ORB’s at the hospitals, where lives of people depend on the equipment that needs continuous power source.


      There is no doubt that this new battery will be extensively used in the future to power all kinds of variety of the smallest and recently made devices. The new battery may be widely used in new generation desktop PC, PDA’s, Blackberries, cell phones and so on.  The possibilities of such environmentally friendly and marketable attractive device are endless. It opens up a new ways we design and make our products. For example, if you pick and compare the finest and the most modern cell phone made several years ago and the cell phone of today such as “Razor”. The difference is unbelievable!


      The development of the ORB will have a huge effect on NEC and it probably already have in terms of revenues. There is no doubt that the demand for this product already exists in big numbers and as soon as it will appear on the market, the demand will be sky-high. The NEC Corporation will make a lot of money on it. It also possible that they will use some of their profits for new research and development of some other type of product that might be even smaller, more powerful and will have a bigger impact on our technology world in a near future.


      It is evidently that the energy devices such as ORB will have a significant impact on a growth of a new technology that is widely spread all over the word and different levels of society. This device with such a key features as ultra thin, flexible, fast charging and environmentally friendly will increasingly become a part of the sophisticated input that supports this development. This latest development will help businesses to become more globalized, more productive and more competitive in the future.










































Masaharu Saton. (Summer, 2005). Organic Radical Battery and Its Technology. NEC Journal of Advanced Technology, Vol.2, No.3, pg. 263. Retreived February 5, 2006, from


NEC Develops New Ultra-Thin, Flexible, Rechargeable Battery Boasting Super-Fast Charging Capability. (December 07, 2005). Retrieved February 5, 2006, from






































Questions about the Organic Radical Battery (group1)


1. The following are the key features of ORB, EXCEPT:

      a. Ultra thin

      b. Flexible

      c. Environmentally unfriendly

      d. Fast charging


2. What’s the name of Corporation that is one of the world’s leading providers of internet broadband network and enterprise business solutions?

      a. CNE

      b. NEC

      c. ABC

      d. CNN


3. ORB is capable of recharging in__seconds.

      a. 15

      b. 45

      c. 60

      d. 30


4. When you charge and discharge the battery thousands of times there is a possibility of overheating and catch on fire. What reputation does ORB carry, in terms of charging and discharging it?

      a. Easily flammable and non-explosive

      b. Easily explosive and non-flammable

      c. Non-flammable and non-explosive

      d. Explosive and flammable


5. What material was used in designing the ORB that makes it remarkably flexible?

      a. Polymer

      b. Robber

      c. Scotch tape

      d. Leather


6. ORB most likely be used in a variety of equipment, EXCEPT:

      a. Desktop PC

      b. The Monitor

      c. PDA

      d. Cell phone


7. What does the ORB stands for?

      a. Organic Radio Battery

      b. Original Radical Battery

      c. Organic Radical Battery

      d. Oakland Reimbursement Bulletin