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American Lit I Journal Questions


Pocahontas in English dress during her tour of 
England, where she died in 1617


John Smith--due in class Monday, Aug. 28: 

What is Smith's conception of his relationship with God, the "new" land to which he has come, and the people, both native and English, whom he encounters in that land?


a modern replica of the Mayflower


William Bradford--due in class Wednesday, Sept. 6

In William Bradford's view, in what ways is the Plymouth colony successful during its early years?  In what ways does it begin to fail in later years?  With those points in view, how do Bradford's definitions of "success" and "failure" differ from John Smith's definitions?


Iroquois carvings of turtle as earth with clan animals on its back


Iroquois and Pima Creation Stories--due in class Wednesday, Sept. 13

What do we learn from these stories about these groups’ conception of the powers that created and control their world, about the groups’ relationship to those powers, and their own place within that created world?


an early edition of Rowlandson's narrative (note that the picture shows her shooting back at the Indians, which she doesn't do in the story)


Mary Rowlandson--due in class Friday, Sept. 29

According to Rowlandson, why was she captured by the Indians, and why was she delivered from that captivity?  Given those reasons, what does she feel she's learned from this experience?  Do these reasons and the lessons she draws from them seem entirely adequate explanations to you?