Horror Fiction

Syllabus for Fall 2008

Homage to Lon Chaney

Honors Seminar: Horror Fiction
Honors Seminar: Horror
Instructor: Terry Wright
Fall 2008

This is a tentative syllabus for the class. It is subject to change. HO means a hand-out. Nearly every hand-out is available on the E-Reader on Honors College web site and be downloaded as either an html or pdf file. The pdf files are easier to print and bring to class. Sign in to HCOL, go to Site Nav,then scroll down to Electronic Reader. Our class is under Junior Seminar.

The direct page is here, although you have to be signed in to reach it.

F / 8-22
Course Introduction

M / 8-25
Terror vs. Horror
Horror Movie Tropes

W / 8-27
Terlotte, “Through a Pumpkin's Eye: The Reflexive Nature of Horror” (HO)
Paul, “The Comic Beat of Never-ending Terror” (HO from Laughing Screaming )

F / 8-29
Clover, “Her Body, Himself” (HO from Men, Women, and Chainsaws )

M / 9-1
Labor Day Holiday

W / 9-3
“The Monk of Horror” (HO)
“The Astrologer's Predictions” (HO)

F / 9-5
Excerpt from Shelley, Frankenstein (HO)

M / 9-8
Excerpt from Shelley, Frankenstein (HO)
Excerpt from Stoker, Dracula (HO)

W / 9-10
Excerpt from Stoker, Dracula (HO)
Le Fanu, “Carmilla” (HO)

F / 9-12
Le Fanu, “Carmilla” (HO)
Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart” (HO)

M / 9-15
C. M. Kornbluth, “The Mindworm” (HO)
Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (HO)

W / 9-17
Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (HO)
Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu” (HO)

F / 9-19
Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness

M / 9-22
Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness
Aikman, “The Swords” (HO)

W / 9-24
Shea, “The Autopsy” (HO)
Schow, “Dying Words” (HO)

F/ 9-26
Newman, “Coppola's Dracula” (HO)
Disch, “The Roaches” (HO)

M / 9-29
Etchison, “You Can Go Now” (HO)
Gaiman, “Murder Mysteries” (HO)

W / 10-1
Winter, “The Zombies of Madison County” (HO)

F / 10-3
Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House 3-83

M / 10-6
Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House 84-163

W / 10-8
Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House 164-246

F / 10-10
Film Excerpts: The Haunting (1963) vs. The Haunting (2000)

M / 10-13
Boyett, “Emerald City Blues” (HO)
Lansdale, “Bob the Dinosaur Goes to Disneyland” (HO)

W / 10-15
Matheson, I Am Legend 13-84

F / 10-17
Fall Break

M / 10-20
Matheson, I Am Legend 85-170

W / 10-22
Film versions of I Am Legend .

F / 10-24
King, The Shining 1-149

M / 10-27
King, The Shining 150-328

W / 10-29
King, The Shining 329-503

F / 10-31
King, The Shining 504-683

M / 11-3
Film comparison: The Shining (1980) vs. The Shining (1997)

W / 11-5
Barker, The Damnation Game 1-84

F / 11-7
Barker, The Damnation Game 85-198

M / 11-10
Barker, The Damnation Game 199-318

W / 11-12
Barker, The Damnation Game 319-433

F / 11-14
Galloway, “Blood” (HO)
Winterson, “Newton” (HO)

M / 11-17
Ballard, “The Atrocity Exhibition” (HO)

W / 11-19
Koja, “Impermanent Mercies” (HO)

F / 11-21
Collins, “Rant” (HO)

M / 11-24
Sallee, “For You, the Living” (HO)

W / 11-26
Thanksgiving Recess

F / 11-28
Thanksgiving Recess

M / 12-1

W / 12-3

F / 12-5
Study Day

M / 12-8
Final Examinations Begin

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