Poetry of the Other

Syllabus for Fall 2003

Regret Begins

Poetry of the Other
Tentative Syllabus
Honors Core III 2310 / Fall 2003
Instructor: Terry Wright

Course Textbooks:
Against Forgetting (referred to as AF here), edited by Carolyn Forche
The Norton Anthology of Contemporary Poetry (referred to NACP here), edited by Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellmann, and Robert O'Clair

This is a tentative syllabus for the class. It is subject to change.

8-22 / FRI
Class Introduction and Course Policies

8-25 / MON
Poetry: Telling Good from Bad
Problems of Translation

8-27 / WED
Selected Poems

8-29 / FRI
Selected Poems

9-1 / MON
Labor Day / No Class

9-3 / WED
Charles Baudelaire
Selected Poems

9-5 / FRI
Arthur Rimbaud
Selected Poems

9-8 / MON
Emily Dickinson
Selected Poems

9-10 / WED
Rainer Maria Rilke
Selected Poems

9-12 / FRI
William S. Burroughs
from The Place of Dead Roads
from The Western Lands

9-15 / MON
Jack Spicer and Michael Ondaatje
"Billy the Kid" poems

9-17 / WED
Introduction pp 10-47
WWI Introduction pp 65-66
Benn, "Monologue" pp 71-73
Sassoon, "Repression of War Experience" pp 78-79
Trakl, " A Romance to Night" pp 79-80
Owen, "Dulce et Decorum Est" p 82

9-19 / FRI
Repression in the Soviet Union Introduction pp 97-98
Akhmatova, "Requiem" pp101-108
Mandelstam, "The Stalin Epigram" p 122
Tsvetayeva, from "Poems to Czechoslovakia" pp125-126
Brodsky, "Elegy" pp 144-145

9-22 / MON
The Spanish Civil War Introduction pp 145-150
Machado, "Today's Meditation" p 152
Lorca, "The Quarrel" pp 155-156
"Casida of Sobbing" p 156
Auden, "Epitaph on a Tyrant" pp 166-167
Hernandez, "Lullaby of the Onion" pp170-173

9-24 / WED
WWII Introduction pp 177-178
Jacob, "War" p 182
Goll, "Your Sleep" pp 197-198
Eluard, "Nazi Song" p 203
Brecht, "The God of War" p 212
"When Evil-Doing Comes Like Falling Rain" pp 212-213
Peret, "Nungesser und Coli Sind Verreckt" p 221

9-26 / FRI
Prevert, ""Barbara" pp 240-241
Quasimodo, "19 January 1944" p 242
Char, "Leaves of Hypnos No. 128" pp 254-255
Eich, "Inventory" p 257
Oppen, Route V" pp 268-269
Swir, "A Conversation through the Door" pp 275-276
Nemerov, "Ultima Ratio Reagan" p 288

9-29 / MON
Ryuichi, "My Imperialism" pp333-335
Dugan, "Portrait from the Infantry" pp 342-343
Simic, "Butcher Shop" p 350
"Begotten of the Spleen" pp 352-353
The Holocaust Introduction pp 359-361
Levi, "For Adolf Eichmann" pp 375-376
Pagis, "Draft of a Reparations Agreement" p-387-388
Bruck, "Pretty Soon" p 389

10-1 / WED
Repression in Eastern and Central Europe Introduction pp 407-408
Milosz, "Dedication" pp 437-438
"Child of Europe" pp 439-442
Szymborksa, "The Terrorist, He Watches" pp 455-456
Djogo, "The National Hero" p 477
War in the Middle East Introduction pp 531-532
Kovner, "What's Not in the Heart" p 543

10-3 / FRI
Repression and Revolution in Latin America Introduction pp 569-570
Vallejo, "Have You Anything to Say in Your Defense?" p 572-573
Neruda, "The Dictators" p 374
"They Receive Instructions Against Chile" pp 578-579
Parra, "Warnings" p 579
"Letters from the Poet Who Sleeps in the Chair" pp 580-584
Dalton, "My Neighbor" p 604
Castillo, "Apolitical Intellectuals" pp 607-608
De Jesus, "Proverbs" pp 617-618

10-6 / MON
The Struggle for Civil Rights Introduction pp 623-625
Hughes, "Letter to the Academy" p625-626
Kinnell, "Vapour Trail Reflected in Frog Pond" pp 658-659
Baraka, "Incident" pp660-661
Troupe, "Boomerang" pp 665-666
Young Bear, "From the Spotted Night" pp 668-669

10-8 / WED
War in Korea and Vietnam Introduction pp 679-680
McDonald, "The Children of Saigon" pp 685-686
Komunyakaa, "Starlight Scope Myopia" pp 691-692
Weigel, "Burning Shit at An Khe" pp 703-704
"The Last Lie" p 706
Fenton, "Lines for Translation into Any Language" pp 710-711

10-10 / FRI
Repression in Africa Introduction pp 715-716
Soyinka, "Civilian and Soldier" p 734
Breytenbach, "The Struggle for the Taal" pp 742-744
The Struggle for Democracy in China Introduction pp 753-754
Dao, "An End or a Beginning" pp 756-758
"Resume" pp 758-759

10-13 / MON
Ted Hughes, "Wodwo" pp 567-568"
"Crow's First Lesson" p 568
"Orf" pp 569-570
Sylvia Plath, "Metaphors" p 597
"The Applicant" pp 605-606
"Daddy" pp 606-608

10-15 / WED
Anne Sexton, from "The Death Baby" pp 436-437
"The Room of My Life" pp 437-438
Robert Lowell, "For the Union Dead" pp 134-135
"Reading Myself" pp 138-139
John Berryman, "76 / Henry's Confession" p 96
"Henry's Understanding" p 100

10-17 / FRI
Alan Dugan, "Love Song: I and Thou" pp 240-241
"Internal Migration: On Being on Tour" p 242-243
"For Euthanasia and Pain-Killing Drugs" p 243
Philip Larkin, "High Windows" p 221
"This Be the Verse" pp 223-224
"Aubade" pp 226-227

10-20 / MON

10-22 / WED
Carolyn Forche, "The Colonel" pp 918-919
Randall Jarrell, "The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" p 87
William Stafford, "Traveling Through the Dark" pp 83-84
Yusef Komunyakaa, "Facing It" pp 861-862

10-24 / FRI
Louise Gluck, "Penelope's Song" pp 823-824
"Quiet Evening" pp 824
Denise Levertov, "The Ache of Marriage" p 250
Ai, "Twenty Year Marriage" p 876
Adrienne Rich, "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" p 459
"Power" p 469

10-27 / MON
Frank O'Hara, "Why I Am Not a Painter" p 369
Sharon Olds, "The Pope's Penis" p 807
James Fenton, "God, a Poem" pp 903-904
Craig Raine. "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home" pp 854-855
Kenneth Koch, "Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams" pp 264- 265
Robert Creeley, "Naughty Boy" p 326

10-29 / WED
Phillip Levine, "You Can Have It" pp 424-425
Sharon Olds, "The Exact Moment of His Death" pp 808-809
Thom Gunn, "The Missing" p 487
James Wright, "Small Frogs Killed on the Highway" p 420-421
Robert Bly, "A Week After Your Death" p 375

10-30 / FRI

11-3 / MON
James Tate, "The Motocyclists" pp 841-842
Charles Simic, "Fork" p 706
"Eastern European Cooking" p 710
John Ashbery, "The Tennis Court Oath" pp 389-390
Howard Nemerov, "Gyroscope" pp 181-182
Eavan Boland, "Anorexic" p 856-846

11-5 / WED
A. R. Ammons, from "Garbage" pp 300-303
May Swenson, "Unconscious Came a Beauty" p 49
Richard Howard, "Man Who Beat Up Homosexuals Reported to Have AIDS Virus" pp 449-455
Mark Doty, "The Embrace" pp 998-999

11-7 / FRI
Thylias Moss, "Interpretation of a Poem by Frost" p 1001
Marilyn Chin, "Chinese Quatrains" pp 1017-1018
Dionisio D. Martinez, "The Prodigal Son in His Own Words: Bees" p 1034
Sherman Alexie, "On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City" p 1046-1047
"Evolution" p 1046
Kamau Braithwaite, "Stone" pp 551-553

11-10 / MON
Charles Berstein, from "Lives of the Toll Takers" pp 911-914
Lyn Hejinian, from "My Life" pp 789-792
Susan Howe, from "Thorow" pp 689-691
A. K. Ramanujan, "Extended Family" pp 444-445

11-12 / WED
Heather McHugh
Alice Fulton

11-14/ FRI
Billy Collins
Dean Young

11-17 / MON
Paul Hoover, "Poems We Can Understand"
Bob Perlman, "Chronic Meanings"
David Trinidad, "Double Trouble"
Dennis Cooper, "Drugs"
Amy Gerstler, "The True Bride"
Paul Violi, "Index"

11-19 / WED
Tom Clark, "You (I) and (III)"
Clark Coolidge, "Brill" and "Styro"
Susan Howe, "White Foolscap"
Russel Edsen, "Ape" and "The Toy-Maker"
Gregory Corso, "Marriage"

11-21 / FRI
Science Fiction Poetry
Computer Poetry

11-24 / MON

11-26 / WED

12-1 / MON

12-3 / WED

12-5 / FRI

You Can Go Home Again