Topics in Creative Writing -- Writing Science Fiction

Syllabus for Fall 2007


Tentative Syllabus
Topics in Creative Writing / Writing Science Fiction
University of Central Arkansas
Instructor: Terry WrightFall 2007

This is a tentative syllabus for the class. It is subject to change.

Workshop submissions will be periodically assigned throughout the semester.

HO means a hand-out. Other hand-outs or web sites will likely be assigned throughout the semester.

An online copy of this syllabus is available on my campus web site at:
In fact, you are reading it right now.

Card refers to How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card.
Norton refers to The Norton Book of Science Fiction by LeGuin and Attebery.

TU 8-28
Norton, Introduction 15-42

TU 9-4
Card, 3-25
Godwin, “The Cold Equations”, HO

TU 9-11
Card, 26-62
Norton, Card, “America” 665-688

TU 9-18
Card, 63-87
Norton, Bear, “Schrodinger's Plague” 477-484

TU 9-25
Card, 88-103
Norton, Willis, “Schwarzchild Radius” 689-704

TU 10-2
Card, 104-137
Norton, Wolfe, “Feather Tigers” 280-286

TU 10-9
Norton, Lafferty, “Nine Hundred Grandmothers” 142-150
Norton, Pohl, “Day Million” 166-170

TU 10-16
Norton, Crowley, “Snow” 591-604

TU 10-23
Norton, Weiner, “Different Signals” 525-537
Norton, Sheckley, “The Life of Anybody” 569-570

TU 10-30
Norton, Tiptree Jr., “The Women Men Don't See” 255-279

TU 11-6
Norton, Dick, “Frozen Journey” 386-402
Norton, Gunn, “Subtle Strategies for Middle Management” 705-715

TU 11-13
Norton, LeGuin, “The New Atlantis” 317-336

TU 11-20
Norton, Kessel, “Invaders” 830-850

TU 11-27
Norton, Dorsey, “(Learning about) Machine Sex” 746-761

TU 12-4
Norton, Kelly, “Rat” 654-664