Lab Notes

Procedural Notes

  • Remind the students to catch the large picket fence after it falls through the photogate completely (not while there are still pickets in the gate). And not to let the fence crash into the table repeatedly.
  • Adjust the photogate attached to the dynamics track to the correct height. The small fence has narrow pickets on one side and a single 5cm-wide blackout on the other. Make sure the gate is being tripped by the narrow pickets, not the wide one.
  • My results for free-fall: g = 9.7xxx, consistently very good.
  • Results for the incline at 8° were consistent as well: 1.24−1.38 m/s².
    (Predicted = gsinθ = 1.36m/s².)
  • Best downramp results when the cart is released from rest very close to the gate. Occasional blip when cart is released well above the gate (significant non-zero vo). Data is useable if the last 10-12 points are highlighted for curve fitting.
  • Upramp results seemed consistent regardless of initial velocity.

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