Poetry of the Other

A Recent Syllabus


Poetry of the Other
Honors Seminar / Fall 2003
Instructor: Terry Wright
Office: Thompson 316
Office Phone: 450-5108
Email: terryw@mail.uca.edu
Web Page: http://faculty.uca.edu/~terryw/

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00-10:00
Tuesday: 11:00-12:00
Wednesday: 9:00-10:00
Thursday: 11:00-12:00
Friday: 9:00-10:00

Other times are available by appointment.

Course Description:
This course will examine the "poetry of the other." These are poems that were nearly lost, once censored, never meant to be heard or read, unwanted and unloved in their own time. These are poems society and culture were/are not ready to accept. These are poems various governments and regimes hoped you would never read. These poems could be called visionary, beyond the borders of their age, sometimes insane, sometimes even inhuman. These poems insist you think and feel something. Sometimes, these poems want to mug you. These poems won't "go gentle into that good night."

Texts and Materials:
The texts for the class are: The Norton Anthology of Contemporary Poetry (Volume 2 only), Third Edition, edited by Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellman, Robert O'Clair (WW Norton & Co., 2003) and Against Forgetting: Twentieth-Century Poetry of Witness, edited by Carolyn Forche (WW Norton &Co., 1993). Other readings will be in the form of hand-outs. You should also buy and maintain a pocket folder. Throughout the semester, you should keep all hand-outs, papers, rough drafts, and the like in this folder for easy access.

Course Policies:
Your grade will be determined by several written response papers.

Your regular class attendance and reasonable class participation are both non-negotiable criteria for successfully completing the course.

Other Expectations and Qualifiers:
It should go without saying that all work must be completed to successfully pass the course and that all papers should be turned in on time.

When typing assigned papers, please double-space and leave adequate margins. These considerations leave ample room for your last-minute revisions and for my comments.

The reading demands for the class are fairly exacting but not unreasonable for Honors students. I do expect you to do the reading and to show up for class prepared to discuss, analyze, praise, swoon over, rebuke, trash, or challenge the material at hand. I strongly encourage you to participate in class discussions. The course functions best as an open forum, and the more ideas we can generate, the more alternatives and strategies we can use when contemplating and composing writing assignments. I prefer not to be merely a television set designed for passive entertainment.

Returning Papers: Since most of the written work we do will be in essay form, I cannot grade and return your papers as quickly as I could if they were "objective" tests, if they were computer-gradable, or if I had an assistant to do the grading. I personally read each paper you write, and I work steadily to grade and return papers within a reasonable amount of time.

Other Matters: As a parent, I understand the constraints and pressures on working, student parents. You may bring children to class as long as they are not disruptive -- and as long as you understand the material being discussed on a given day could contain adult themes. However, do not bring pets to class. Finally, I expect polite class decorum. Please refrain from talking or other noticeable distractions and kindly turn off cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices.

Inclement Weather Policy: It is the policy of the University of Central Arkansas to usually not close because of bad weather. However, if getting to class involves a reasonable risk of personal injury or damage to property, you should use your own discretion about the feasibility of attending classes under such conditions. I commute to work and have a child in public school; therefore, if the public schools close and the roads are not passable, you can generally assume I will not be having class.

Sexual Harassment Policy: Sexual harassment by any faculty member, staff member, or student is a violation of both law and University policy and will not be tolerated. Please read pages 41-43 of your Student Handbook for the policy, definition, and procedures concerning sexual harassment.

Disability Policy: The University of Central Arkansas adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need an accommodation under this Act due to a disability, contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 450-3135.

You should familiarize yourself with all academic policies in your Student Handbook, including policies on plagiarism/academic dishonesty.

Special Problems: If, during any point of the semester, you find that personal problems are keeping you from completing your coursework, you may find it beneficial to visit the counseling center. All students are entitled to free, confidential, professional counseling. Contact the University Counseling Center (Bernard Hall 313) at 450-3138.

An online version of this course description can be found at my web site. In fact, you are reading it right now.
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